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Andrei Pakhomov wins the Frank Reidy Award for Outstanding Achievements in 生物

October 23rd, 2023 查看更多

16th 国际 生物 Symposium

October 9th, 2023 查看更多

Another NIH Grant Award for Early 生物-Stage Neuromodulation RESEARCH 生物

June 29th, 2023 查看更多

4th World Congress on Electroporation and Pulsed Electric Fields in Biology, Medicine, and Food & Environmental Technologies

October 27th, 2022 查看更多

P. Thomas Vernier wins the Frank Reidy Award for Outstanding Achievements in 生物

October 27th, 2022 查看更多

Special Issue "Pulsed Electric Field Based Technologies for Oncology Applications"

Sepetember 28th, 2022 查看更多

AFOSR grant awarded for fundamental research on plasma sources

Sepetember 29th, 2022 查看更多

NIH Grant Awarded for Early-Stage Neuromodulation RESEARCH

August 31st, 2022 查看更多

We are shining a spotlight on some of our international students

April 18th, 2022 查看更多

Povilas Šimonis’s colorful and clever interpretation of the electric stimulation of yeast is the winner of this year’s “Dance Your Ph. D.“比赛

April 12th, 2022 查看更多

Read about the Center research in the latest Virginia Economic Review

April 11th, 2022 查看更多

教授. 约翰D. Catravas and 教授. 约翰年代. Lazo project awarded NIH Small Business Innovation RESEARCH (SBIR) funding

March 2nd, 2022 查看更多

Study by 教授essors Chen and Kong describes a novel and promising approach to overcome cancer drug resistance

February 21st, 2022 查看更多

Special Issue "Internal Diseases Associated with Negative Environmental 影响s"

February 21st 2022 查看更多

Special Issue "Targeted Therapies and Molecular Methods in Cancer"

February 14th, 2022 查看更多

Bioelectrochemistry Special Issue on Electropermeabilization Open Access Until March 17

2022年2月 查看更多

教师 project awarded Defense University RESEARCH Instrumentation Program (DURIP) funding

2022年1月 查看更多

2021卡尔·H. & 吉塞拉米. Schoenbach Fellowship

2021年11月 查看更多

教授essor Andrei Pakhomov appointed new director of the Frank Reidy RESEARCH Center for 生物 as of 10/10/2021

2021年10月 查看更多

Dr. Flavia Mazzarda wins the 4th Arthur Pilla Young Scientist Award

2021年9月 查看更多

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