


欢迎来到巴顿工程技术学院! Please use this page as a supplement to your Portal checklist for what you need to do as a newly admitted freshman in the 工程学院.



  1. ALEKS-PPL Math Placement Test: At least one week before Monarch Orientation

    重要提示:如果您没有完成ALEKS-PPL流程, you will not be able to register for Math or Engineering courses during your orientation which may delay your graduation.

    1. 注册 亚历克斯PPL. 您将需要您的Midas ID和密码.
    2. Complete the informational questions provided by ALEKS and take the unproctored assessment. 不要使用计算器. ODU不允许在大多数数学课程中使用计算器. 如果需要计算器,ALEKS会提供一个).
    3. 完成八(8)小时的模块工作.
    4. 报名参加 监考分班考试.
    5. You will receive your test results immediately following your exam. If you would like to retake the test to place into a higher math class, you must wait one week and complete a minimum of eight (8) hours of module work.
      • Modules are customized off your Test and identify areas you need to work on.
      • To get the most out of the learning modules, we recommend NOT using a calculator.
          • If you are transferring Calculus I credits from another college or university or transferring above Calculus I courses in the math sequence, 你不需要参加数学分班考试. Please be sure those credits are transferred and inform your academic advisor.
          • If you are transferring Algebra or Pre-Calc I credits from a community college/4-year institution or through Advance Placement/Dual Enrollment, we encourage you to complete the 亚历克斯PPL as it will prepare you for the rigor of the Math courses sequence.
          • 你也可以根据你的SAT或ACT成绩来选择数学. 点击这里 为数学安置资格表.
        1. Chemistry Placement Test: At least two weeks before Monarch Orientation

          The chemistry placement exam is delivered through Blackboard by ODU's chemistry department. This exam is timed and should be done to the best of your ability.

          Instructions on how to access the Blackboard learning organization to take your chemistry placement exam 可以在这里找到.

        2. WSPT: Writing Placement Test: At least two weeks before Monarch Orientation

          没有AP的新生, 双注册/转学分, or CLEP scores satisfying their ENGL110C (English Composition) requirement will need to take the Writing Sample Placement Test.

          更多关于WSPT的信息 可以在这里找到.


        ODU Engineering的EEAP是一个 为期一周的校园浸入式课程 in the summer funded by the Virginia Space Grant Consortium and other sponsors. It helps young women entering engineering build a community with one another, 参与工程活动, 去参观当地的工业组织. Participants will attend Monarch Orientation during the session to assist with class registration or the Fall of 2023. EEAP将于2023年7月9日至14日举行. 在EEAP的安置是 接风宴 由于座位有限,竞争也很激烈. All confirmed freshman female engineering students are receiving email invitations containing the EEAP application at this time. 请检查您的电子邮件是否收到EEAP的邀请.


        Students who meet the qualifications for the ELLC should apply for and could be invited to the living and learning community. Engineering students who are accepted for the ELLC will have activities, 事件, 旅行, 小组学习, 以及相关课程. Space is limited in the ELLC and students must meet academic benchmarks to qualify.

        了解更多有关ELLC的资料 在这里

        一般新生宿舍对所有学生开放. 你可以在这里找到更多关于申请住房的信息.

        You should have had most of your academic records submitted through admissions, 但最好还是仔细检查一下.

        1. 高中成绩单?

          ODU needs in your official high school transcripts as soon as possible. 联系 your high school guidance 办公室 for information on printing and sending official transcripts.

        2. SAT或ACT分数?

          SAT and/or ACT scores are an important piece of information that helps ODU build your profile and history as a student. 按照 大学理事会 (SAT)和 ACT网站 确保你把成绩寄给了ODU.

        3. AP, IB,转学,或双入学学分?

          在高中获得的学分可以帮助你在大学取得成功. Make sure you have sent ODU any documentation of college credit you have earned for verification with our 办公室s. Dual enrollment and transfer credits will require official transcripts from the credit-awarding institution.

          For more information on the assessment credits and scores honored by bet8体育娱乐入口访问招生网站.

        We will need you to approach Freshmen Monarch Orientation differently as an ODU engineering student.

        1. Make sure that you complete all the placement tests in advance of your Monarch Orientation day


          -Spatial Visualization: at least one week before Monarch Orientation



        2. Download and read the Engineering Package for Monarch Orientation

          ODU Engineering has a packet of resources for you as a new freshman.

        3. 登记君主入学.

          Head on over to the Monarch Orientation Office's website to learn more and register.

        新生入学指导包 & 报告目前正在修订中.

        **苹果电脑(MacBook, iMac等.)与工程软件不兼容.



        最新版本的Windows 11


        Latest Generation Intel Core 处理器s (i7 quad-core or higher)


        16 gb DDR4


        分立视频适配器,如NVIDIA GeForce


        512GB SSD或更高




        你的 新生顾问 will be at freshman Monarch Orientation to help you prepare for classes this fall. 然而, any urgent questions prior to Monarch Orientation can be answered by calling the Dean's 办公室 or by emailing your advisor.


        For urgent questions related to engineering-specific placement testing (ALEKS and the Visualization test) and summer programs such as the Engineering Summer Bridge and EEAP, 联系 侯明慧(汉娜. Questions regarding the WSPT and Chemistry placement tests should be directed to their respective departments.


        第一个星期五仍然开放注册, 查看第一个星期五计划页面了解更多信息.

        您也可以联系 ODU工程大使 可随时进行个性化旅游.